Tips How You Can Improve The Search Engine Ranking

Having a website with good SEO ranking is one of the prerequisites of every ecommerce business. The websites with better rankings appear on the first page of the search result. Hence search engine ranking are instrumental in increasing the prospects of getting new customers. In short, your website doesn’t exist if it doesn’t have a good Google ranking. You must follow a well planned strategy to boost your SEO ranking. Several factors affect the rankings of a website. Lets spill the beans and let you know the ways in which you can improve your website’s Google ranking. These initiatives shall certainly improve your website’s Google ranking.

Tips to Improve the  Search Engine Ranking:

Keep a track of the ranking algorithm

Google keeps on changing the ranking algorithm every now and then. There are almost 500-600 changes per year. Hence, you ought to know the parameters on which your website is judged. In order to improve your websites Google rankings, you must adapt to the changing algorithms.. Note that,  Google imposes penalties for the black hat SEO strategies and hence you must not rely on the shortcuts ever. Algorithms may change, but the core parameter remains the same. The volume of work that you invest in the website shall boost SEO rankings of your website.

google rank

Use Relevant Content

Quality content is all that your website can count on. Most of the readers make up their mind about reading a content in the first few seconds of reading. In case, your website doesn’t have the relevant content, no body shall read it. Try to use a lot of outbound links to increase the time a visitor spends on your website. Quality content is certainly a vital requisite of website’s Google ranking. Better the quality of content, greater will be your search engine ranking.


Plagiarism is something which Google hates vehemently. The originality of content is the most important parameter that decides your website’s ranking. Plagiarism is regarded as an easy instrument of putting up content on the website. However, the implications of plagiarized content may be quite hazardous. Copied content shall certainly diminish your search engine ranking. Hence, make sure that your website doesn’t have copied content. Moreover, plagiarized content shall prove suicidal for your business due to numerous reasons. Original and quality content will surely boost Google ranking of your website. Needless to say, your content must not have any grammatical errors as well.


Apart from being original, your content must be readable too. Most of the content writers are used to flowery languages and complicated sentence. Remember, you don’t need to show your grammatical expertise to boost SEO rankings. Make sure that the content on your website is easily readable.  The flesh readability scale can let you know the ease of readability of your content. A score in the range of 60-70 is considered ideal. You can reach the prescribed range by forming shorter sentences. Remember, an easy to read content is the gateway to better search engine ranking.

Use Keywords Judicially

Your content must be precise about the message that you wish to convey. Hence, it is important to anchor the text around the chosen keywords to improve your website’s search engine ranking. Think of the words that people may search for, while trying to find something on Google. This shall help you weave your content around the keywords. Keywords are one of the salient features of an effective SEO strategy. However, there is a tendency to flood the content with keywords. You must note that higher keyword density can backfire. Spamming the content with keywords may get your website banned as well! Hence, you must try to keep the keyword density between 1-3% to boost SEO ranking.

Improve the speed of your website

A slow loading speed of the website may severely degrade your search engine ranking. In case, your website takes too long to load, the prospects of acquiring traffic will be marred. Try to optimize your website such that the loading time becomes minimal. This shall certainly prove to be a game changer in your maneuver to boost SEO ranking.   The loading speed can be improved by optimizing images as well.

On Site SEO

As already stated, excessive keywords can be a poor choice for increasing the website traffic. Your content must have multiple sources of traffic generation for improving website’s Google ranking. The dedicated on-site landing pages can immensely increase the traffic of your website. Hence, you shall notice a better conversion rate as well. Invest in on-site SEO strategies to boost SEO ranking. The backlinks have a very substantial affect on your website’s search engine ranking. You can collaborate with the authoritative bloggers and get their help in getting your website’s link inserted in their blogs. But beware, Google can penalize you for an unnaturally high spree of backlinks.

Keep Your Website Updated

Your website must have updated content for better search engine ranking. Google keeps a close eye on the kind of content that you upload on the website. In case, your website has old and irrelevant content, your rank shall certainly change for the worse. You must convince Google that you are actively working on the content of your website to boost your SEO ranking. Updating content has numerous other benefits in its robe in the long run as well.

You can boost your SEO ranking in several other ways as well. These include, inserting subheadings, meta tags and several other components. However, the crux of the rankings remains the same. The rule is simple, you must work on your content to improve your search engine ranking.  More importantly, your content must reflect the amount of labor that you have invested. Taking these steps shall be instrumental in improving your search engine ranking.

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